Client: Rotary International
A.D.: Jennifer Moody
About: What's it like to.. I'm thrilled to share this, The Rotarian honored me with an entire special issue project, I was asked to do an illustration for and every story in this issue, personal stories from Rotary members, Starting with "what's it like to...' Let me tell you what it's like to.... illustrate the entire issue ;) To go short, doing the illustrations for this special was both an honor and a thrill! Editorial packages like these don’t come along that often. More typically I’m hired to illustrate complex themes or abstract topics of business or social/medical nature. Quite different are these remarkable, personal stories. Art Director Jennifer Moody gave me the freedom to do my thing as long as the final series would be a mixture of conceptual and more literal illustrations. In cojunction with her design I think we managed to present the readers a divers yet consistent series and an interesting read.
Scroll down for a selection of the illustrations
To see all illustrations in context please go to the news item on this project
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What's it lik eto swim with Medusa. A story of a scientist discovering a 'new' jellyfish, 'Medusa' in Spanish

What's it like to...Heal your War Wounds. A story about a Vietnam Vet dealing with his past

What's it like to..Bring comfort after tragedy. The story of the owner of Brody, a Dalmatian working as a comfort dog

What's it like to .. fight for families at the border. The story of a lawyer helping families separated by the US-Mexican Border

What's it like to go undercover for the FBI. About a lobbyist that was recruited by the FBI for undercover operations

What's it like to.. survive a plane crash. the story of a man who survived the famous plane crash in the Andes during the 70's

What's it like to..Advance under enemy fire. The story of a soldier fighting on Iwo Juna during WW2

full page illustration on the introductionary spread