Start Cycling
Client: Sjees Gangmakers
A.D.: Nanda Verpaalen
About: Look, it's State Secretary Mrs. van Veldhoven in the Photo Booth with my illos! The kick-off event of SjeesGangmakers was held in de Efteling. It's a campaign to encourage employers to encourage employees to travel to work by bike. The illos I did for the campagne ended up in this Photo Booth, banners, flyers, postcards etc, even on a cargo bike. Now I do want that cargo bike.
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Client: Sjees Gangmakers
A.D.: Nanda Verpaalen
About: Look, it's State Secretary Mrs. van Veldhoven in the Photo Booth with my illos! The kick-off event of SjeesGangmakers was held in de Efteling. It's a campaign to encourage employers to encourage employees to travel to work by bike. The illos I did for the campagne ended up in this Photo Booth, banners, flyers, postcards etc, even on a cargo bike. Now I do want that cargo bike.
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